For anyone who has ever thought about doing classified advertising on the Internet there’s nothing like Craigslist. Craigslist is online classified ads website with numerous sections dedicated to real estate, jobs, for sale, products wanted, service/repair wanted, advice/answers wanted, and personal profiles. The site started in 2001 and is now one of the top three most visited websites in the United States, when comparing popularity with sites such as Linkedln and MySpace. In fact, it’s so popular that people are flocking to it daily.

One thing that makes craigslist stand out from similar websites is the adult services section. The adult services section features ads for adult videos, lingerie, fetish products, massage, dating, adult dating websites, and social networking. It’s a wonderful place to find the types of ads you’ve been looking for in addition to a wide selection of adult-related categories to browse through. If you’re looking to advertise in the United States, Craigslist offers a number of options for you to choose from, such as posting one of their Craigslist mini-appeals, creating a free-Craigslist account, or even signing up for a paid account.

Another advantage to craigslist over similar websites is craigslist’s spam policies. The website has an extensive spam policy that prohibits the use of cookies, computer viruses, and other unwanted software to track visitors to craigslist pages. This is one of the primary reasons why my company, craigslist dot com, is listed with the Better Business Bureau, an independent organization that monitors and provides feedback to businesses that have been reviewed. On our website we specifically mention the strict guidelines that we follow in our spamming efforts, which include not using cookie implants, the use of fake user names, and never advertising products or services to people who haven’t received a response to an ad. Our site is also listed with the local events search category.

The major online classifieds websites have adult services sections, however craigslist beats them hands down when it comes to variety. When browsing through the classified ads section you will find a plethora of different categories to browse through, ranging from pets and furniture to art and business. Additionally, you will also find a large variety of local events in your area to peruse. The events section is also easy to navigate and contain numerous options for browsing ads. If you want to find a movie, play on your computer, buy or rent a DVD, see a show, or anything else you can think of, craigslist has it.

Another great feature craigslist has that most other websites don’t is a feature known as flagging. Flagging allows users to mark an advertisement as “spam” or “noise” so the owner can choose whether or not to post it. This is great for helping owners of craigslist ads remove advertisements that are flagging. As someone reads your postings, they can decide whether or not they want to click through to your website, and hopefully buy something from you if they do.

One thing that is missing from my experience with craigslist is the ability to connect with other users around the world. The international community of craigslist users is limited to what is contained within the country that a user is living in at the moment. However, jim buckmaster realizes this and has made plans to allow overseas users to connect via his site. If you want to sign up as a foreign national, or want to read another language, or just want to chat with other people who live outside of your country than you will want to take a look at the international section of craigslist. It is by far the best part of craigslist.

Selling On Craigslist – Making Money On The Web Site

When you are looking to make some quick money on craigslist there are a few things that you will want to be aware of. One thing that people who are selling on craigslist will fail to do is take time to ensure their advertisements are appealing to buyers. You need to have a good eye for what people are looking for online and are interested in making a purchase from you. There are many ways that you can sell items on craigslist and one way that is becoming increasingly popular is online auctions.

Online auctions are one of the hottest selling trends on craigslist. This is because people are more willing to spend money on goods that are being offered up for sale online. There is a larger group of buyers available on craigslist when compared to what you would find at a traditional auction. If you are looking to make some quick money selling on craigslist, you will want to check into participating in online auctions.

  • The first thing that you should do when you are deciding how you are going to participate in selling on craigslist is figure out just what type of goods you want to sell. Do you want to sell your old electronics? Are you interested in selling antiques, rugs, or even books? Once you decide on a topic, you will then need to look at the different types of items that you are interested in.
  • Once you have an idea of the items that you would like to sell you need to make sure that you research each individual seller before you make a deal with them. Check each online auction site out for the most popular sellers. Most online auctions have a place where you can check out feedback for each of the vendors. This will give you a better idea of which the seller is the best to work with.
  • Another way that you will want to make money selling on craigslist is by offering incentives. You may only have a small advertising budget but this is not going to stop you from offering incentives to potential buyers. Offer them items for free shipping or a discount for buying a certain number of products so that they will be more inclined to take the offer.

You are now ready to take action and start selling on craigslist. Sign up for an account and get started immediately. You will find that there is a large community of people that are interested in both selling things and buying things. Take advantage of it and start making some money today. There are hundreds of online auctions to choose from so make sure that you take advantage of all that there is to offer.